Weekly Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
The weekly vehicles miles traveled (VMT) table contains information about nationwide residential VMT, representing an average day in the prior week. Data is released weekly on a 12 day lag. Data is available for every week going back to January 2019. It is available for download in CSV format.
Sample Download
Click here to download a CSV sample of Replica's weekly vmt table.
Field Name | Content Type | Sample Value | Description |
[origin/destination]_geo_id | Integer | 36005014100 | The GEOID of the corresponding row's. geography, as defined by the US Census Bureau. [origin/destination] depends on whether the user selects to view trips starting in a given geography, or ending in a given geography. |
[origin/destination]_geo_name | String | 141 (Bronx, NY) | The name corresponding to the row’s geography, as defined by the US Census Bureau or specified by the user. [origin/destination] depends on whether the user selects to view trips starting in a given geography, or ending in a given geography. |
[origin/destination]_population | Integer | 1023 | The total number of people in the corresponding row’s geography, from our modeled population based on the 2019 ACS. [origin/destination] depends on whether the user selects to view trips starting in a given geography, or ending in a given geography. |
[week/month]_starting | Date | 2022-06-13 | The first day of the week (Saturday) or month of the corresponding row’s data, depending on whether monthly or weekly data was selected. |
vmt | Integer | 16520 | The total number of vehicle miles traveled by residents of the corresponding row’s geography, regardless of where the vehicle trips occurred, on an average weekday or weekend day depending on the user’s selection. |
vmt_per_capita | Float | 2.87 | The average number of vehicle miles traveled per resident of the corresponding row’s geography, regardless of where the vehicle trips occurred, on an average weekday or weekend day depending on the user’s selection. Equal to vmt/ [origin/destination_population]. |
Read Replica's Weekly Mobility Model Methodology.
Updated almost 2 years ago