
Network Link Volumes


Replica’s network link volume downloads are derived from our seasonal model, providing a typical weekday or typical weekend representing a 13-week period, and provide insight into network link volumes in your geography of choice, broken out by your choice of mode, trip distance, trip purpose, and vehicle details. This dataset contains information about trips at the network link level. Detailed roadway attributes are available for each network link in the "Reference - Network Link" download.

The definitions of each category of filter and breakdown matches those available in the Seasonal Trip Table

Download trip volumes per network link by trip distance, mode, purpose, or start hour for a given geographic region. Data is available to download in .csv, GeoJSON, or shapefile formats.


Field NameContent TypeSample ValueDescription
NetworklinkidString1.63807E+19A unique identifier for the network link.
Trip_CountInteger2739Total trips on the network link.
RoadnameStringSunrise PassageThe common name of the network link if available. Matches the name assigned by OpenStreetMap.
distanceInteger318000The distance (length) of the network link in millimeters.
startLatFloat34.36907793The latitude of the starting point of the network link, stored in decimal degrees.
startLonFloat-101.762211The longitude of the starting point of the network link, stored in decimal degrees.
endLatFloat34.36866032The latitude of the end point of the network link, stored in decimal degrees.
endLonFloat-101.7656375The longitude of the end point of the network link, stored in decimal degrees.
highwayStringsecondary_linkThe classification of the link based on OpenStreetMap data.
distanceFloat2.41173Network link distance in miles.
osmidString21250769The OpenStreetMap ID assigned to the network link.

Breakdowns available, with column name and shapefile column alias

Breakdown: Trip Distance

Column NameShapefile AliasDescription
trips_under_half_mitc_0_hfCount of trips under a half mile
trips_half_1_mitc_hf_1Count of trips between a half mile and a mile
trips_1_2_mitc_1_2Count of trips between one and two miles
trips_2_4_mitc_2_4Count of trips between two and four miles
trips_4_8_mitc_4_8Count of trips between four and eight miles
trips_8_16_mitc_8_16Count of trips between eight and sixteen miles
trips_16_32_mitc_16_32Count of trips between sixteen and thirty-two miles
trips_32_64_mitc_32_64Count of trips between thirty-two and sixty-four miles
trips_over_64_mitc_over_64Count of trips over sixty-four miles

Breakdown: Trip Mode

Note: If you apply a filter, the columns for the deselected modes still show up in your output but are zeroed out and are not included in trip totals. For more definition on trip modes, see Seasonal Trip Table documentation.

Column NameShapefile AliasDescription
trips_auto_passengertc_auto_pCount of trips with a primary travel mode of auto passenger
trips_bikingtc_bikingCount of trips with a primary travel mode of biking
trips_commercialtc_comCount of trips with a primary travel mode of commercial
trips_commercial_heavytc_com_hvyCount of trips with a primary travel mode of commercial, with a vehicle class of heavy freight
trips_commercial_mediumtc_com_medCount of trips with a primary travel mode of commercial, with a vehicle class of medium freight
trips_on_demand_autotc_on_demCount of trips with a primary travel mode of on-demand auto (taxi / rideshare)
trips_other_travel_modetc_otherCount of trips with a primary travel mode of other
trips_private_autotc_prvCount of trips with a primary travel mode of private auto
trips_private_auto_bevtc_prv_bvCount of trips with a primary travel mode of private auto, with a vehicle type of Battery Electric Vehicle
trips_private_auto_non_bevtc_prv_nbvCount of trips with a primary travel mode of private auto, with a vehicle type not of Battery Electric Vehicle
trips_public_transittc_pub_trCount of trips with a primary travel mode of public transit
trips_walkingtc_walkingCount of trips with a primary travel mode of walking

Breakdown: Trip Purpose

Note: If you apply a filter, the columns for the deselected modes still show up in your output but are zeroed out and are not included in trip totals. For more definition on trip modes, see Seasonal Trip Table documentation.

Column NameShapefile AliasDescription
trips_commercialtc_comCount of trips with a trip purpose of commercial
trips_eattc_eatCount of trips with a trip purpose of eat
trips_hometc_homeCount of trips with a trip purpose of home
trips_lodgingtc_lodgingCount of trips with a trip purpose of lodging
trips_maintenancetc_maintCount of trips with a trip purpose of maintenace
trips_other_activity_typetc_otherCount of trips with a trip purpose of other
trips_recreationtc_recCount of trips with a trip purpose of recreation
trips_region_departuretc_reg_depCount of trips with a trip purpose of region departure
trips_schooltc_schoolCount of trips with a trip purpose of school
trips_shoptc_shopCount of trips with a trip purpose of shop
trips_socialtc_socialCount of trips with a trip purpose of social
trips_stagetc_stageCount of trips with a trip purpose of stage
trips_worktc_workCount of trips with a trip purpose of work

Breakdown: Trip Time

Column NameShapefile AliasDescription
trips_0_1tc_0_1Count of trips that reach this network link between 12am and 1am
trips_1_2tc_1_2Count of trips that reach this network link between 1am and 2am
trips_23_24tc_23_24Count of trips that reach this network link between 11pm and 12am