
Demographics and Employment


The demographics and employment table contains records for each person modeled as part of the synthetic population produced by Replica. Each record includes a set of attributes describing the person’s demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and the block-group assignment for their work, home, and school locations.

Population data is generated each season. Data is released twice a year and is currently available for 2019, 2021 and 2022. It is available for download in CSV format.

Model inputs include the following products from the U.S. Census Bureau: American Community Survey 5-year estimates, TIGER/Line data, LEHD Origin-Destination Employment Statistics Data, and ACS Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), the Census Transportation Planning Products Program (CTPP) as well as data from the National Center for Education Statistics, US Department of Education, building data and proprietary parcel data and points of interest data.

Sample Download

Click here to download a CSV sample of Replica's demographics and employment table.


Field NameContent TypeSample ValueDescription
household_idString14102589208980400000Unique identifier of a household.
person_idString14408018579505000000Unique identifier of a person.
BLOCKGROUPString410050201001The US Census Bureau-assigned FIPS code of the census block group containing the housing unit based on the decennial census 2010.
BLOCKGROUP_workString410050227021The US Census Bureau-assigned FIPS code of the census block group containing the person's workplace (for employed persons only.)
BLOCKGROUP_schoolString410510063001The US Census Bureau-assigned FIPS code of the census block group containing the person's school (for students only).
TRACTString41005020100The US Census Bureau-assigned FIPS code of the census tract containing the housing unit.
TRACK_workString41005022702The US Census Bureau-assigned FIPS code of the census tract containing the person's workplace (for employed persons only).
TRACT_schoolString41051006300The US Census Bureau-assigned FIPS code of the census tract containing the person's school (for students only).
age_group*String18_24Age range a person falls within. Value ranges include:
• lte_4
• 5_14
• 15_17
• 18_24
• 25_34
• 35_64
• 65_plus
ageInteger19Age, in years old, assigned to the person.
sexStringMSex assigned to the person, male (M) or female (F).
raceStringwhiteRace assigned to the person. Valid values include:
• american_indian_alaska_native • asian
• black_african_american
• hawaiin_pacific
• other_race_alone
• two_or_more_races
• white
ethnicityStringnot_hispanic_or_latinoEthnicity of a person. Valid values include:
• not_hispanic_or_latino
• hispanic_or_latino
individual_income_groupString0_20000Range a person's annual income falls within. Value ranges include:
• lte_0
• 0_20000
• 20000_40000
• 40000_80000
• 80000_100000
• 100000_plus
individual_incomeInteger7500Total annual income of a person.

Note: Some individuals have negative income levels. Negative income is typically associated with business or capital loss that’s subsequently allocated to the individual taxpayer. This comes from Census data.
employmentStringemployedEmployment status of a person. Valid values include:
• employed
• notinlf
• under_16
• unemployed
education*Stringk_12Education level of a person. Valid values include:
• advanced_degree
• bachelors_degree
• high_school
• k_12
• no_school
• some_college
• under_3
school_grade_attending*Stringnot_attending_schoolCurrent grade level assigned to a person. Valid values include:
• graduate
• kindergarten
• not_attending_school
• school
• undergraduate
industry*Stringnaics51Industry sector a person works within, reported in NAICS code. For a list of NAICS codes see:
household_role*StringchildThe role of the person in the household. Valid values include:
• child
• GQ
• head_of_household
• immobile_GQ
• non_relative
• relative
• spouse
subfamily_number*Integer1Number assigned to the subfamily that the person belongs to in a household.
subfamily_relationship*Stringparent_with_childRelationship of a person within the subfamily. Valid values include:
• child
• husband/wife_no_children
• husband/wife_with_children
• parent_with_child
• N/A
commute_modeStringdrivingTypical commute mode used by a person. Valid values include:
• biking
• carpool
• driving
• not_working
• transit
• walking
• worked_from_home
tenure*StringownerTenure of household. Valid values include:
• owner
• renter
• GQ
migration*Stringsame_houseIndicates mobility status (if the household has lived in the same unit 1 year ago). Valid values include:
• N/A (Lived in house <1 year; Also applies to group quarters)
• same_house (non-movers)
• outside_us
• within_us
household_sizeString3_personNumber of persons that make up the household. Valid values include:
• 1_person
• 1_person_group_quarters
• 2_person
• 3_person
• 4_person
• 5_person
• 6_person
• 7_plus_person
household_income_group*String125000_plusIncome range that the total income of the household falls within. Valid values include:
• lte_10000
• 10000_40000
• 40000_75000
• 75000_125000
• 125000_plus
household_incomeInteger408500Total income of the household.
family_structure*Stringmarried_coupleHousehold family structure. Valid values include:
• family_single
• GQ
• living_alone
• married_couple
• nonfamily_single
vehiclesString3_plusNumber of vehicles owned by a household. Valid values include:
• zero
• 1
• 2
• 3_plus
• GQ
building_type*StringmobileIndicates the unit in the household’s structure. Valid values include:
• mobile (mobile home, trailer, boat, RV, or van)
• single_family (one-family home, attached or detached)
• several_units (2-4 apartments)
• multiple_units (5+ apartments)
• GQ_structure (group quarters)
resident_typeStringcoreIndicates whether or not the person is a resident of the region. Valid values include:
• core: A resident of the core region.
• donut: A resident of the surrounding counties who work or go to school in the core region.
• visitor: A person who does not normally reside in the core or donut region who enters and/or exits the region via a ‘port of entry’ (airport, freeway crossing).
language*StringenglishIndicates the household language. Valid values include:
• english
• spanish
• indo-european
• asian-pacific
• other
• GQ_language
lat*Float37.434211Latitude of the block group centroid representing the home location, reported in decimal degrees, WGS 84.
lng*Float-122.16801Longitude of the block group centroid representing the home location, reported in decimal degrees, WGS 84.
lat_work*Float37.434211Latitude of the block group centroid representing the work location, reported in decimal degrees, WGS 84 (for employed persons only).
lng_work*Float-122.16801Longitude of the block group centroid representing the work location, reported in decimal degrees, WGS 84 (for employed persons only).
lat_school*Float37.434211Latitude of the block group centroid representing the school location, reported in decimal degrees, WGS 84 (for students only).
lng_school*Float-122.16801Longitude of the block group centroid representing the school location, reported in decimal degrees, WGS 84 (for students only).

*only available in bigquery