Weekly O-D Pairs
The weekly O-D pairs table contains information about nationwide hourly origin-destination data for a typical weekday and weekend day with hourly breakdowns and mode breakdowns (including auto, transit, walking, and biking). Data is released weekly on a 12 day lag. Data is available for every week going back to January 2019. It is available for download in CSV format.
Sample Download
Click here to download a CSV sample of Replica's weekly O-D pairs table.
Field Name | Content Type | Sample Value | Description |
origin/destination _geo_id | Integer | 36005014100 | The GEOID of the corresponding row's geography, as defined by the US Census Bureau. [origin/destination] depends on whether the user selects to view trips starting in a given geography, or ending in a given geography. |
origin/destination_geo_name | String | 141 (Bronx, NY) | The name corresponding to the row’s geography, as defined by the US Census Bureau or specified by the user. [origin/destination] depends on whether the user selects to view trips starting in a given geography, or ending in a given geography. |
origin/destination_population | Integer | 1023 | The total number of people in the corresponding row’s geography, from our modeled population based on the 2019 ACS. [origin/destination] depends on whether the user selects to view trips starting in a given geography, or ending in a given geography. |
week/month_starting | Date | 2022-06-13 | The first day of the week (Saturday) or month of the corresponding row’s data, depending on whether monthly or weekly data was selected. |
start_hour | Integer | 7 | The hour of the day in 24h format, local to the corresponding row’s geography. |
trip_count | Integer | 15602 | The total number of trips starting or ending (depending on the selection made in the download menu) in the corresponding row’s geography on a typical weekday or weekend day. When trip start time is selected as a metric, the trip count reflects the number of trips taken during the corresponding start_hour. When trip start time has not been selected as a metric, the trip count reflects the total number of trips taken during the day. |
mode_trip_count | Integer | 6679 | The number of trips taken by mode on a typical weekday or weekend day. There is a single primary mode assigned to each trip. For example, a trip that involved a short walk and long bus ride would be classified as a single “Transit” trip. A trip that involved two separate bus segments with a brief transfer in between would also be counted as a single “Transit” trip. The summation of all modes’ trips will equal the total trip volume for the selected geography. Each mode option is defined below: • Private Auto: Trips made by drivers in private auto vehicles. This is equivalent to the number of private auto vehicle movements. • Auto Passenger: Trips made by passengers in private auto vehicles. Sum Auto Passenger and Private Auto trips to get the total number of people who traveled in private autos. • Transit: Trips that primarily used public transit, such as buses, light rail, and subways. Because Mode Split is based on trip origin, it should be evaluated for an MSA (versus a city) to capture all commuters. • Walking: Trips made by people walking. • Biking: Trips made by people biking. Replica does not model scooter trips and does not separate out e-bike trips. • Other Mode: Trips not included in any of the above categories and long trips of ~300 miles or greater. While rideshare, delivery, and long-haul freight are included in total trip volumes, we do not track them individually and do not recommend using Trends data to analyze them at this time |
Read Replica's Weekly Mobility Model Methodology.
Updated almost 2 years ago