Commercial Freight Trips
The commercial freight table contains information about fully disaggregate, individual commercial freight trips for a typical weekday and weekend day in each season. Each row of data corresponds to one trip. Data is released twice a year and is currently available for 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023. It is available for download in CSV format.
Field Name | Content Type | Sample Value | Description |
activity_id | String | 15323941267251300000 | A randomly assigned unique identifier defined for each trip. A trip is defined as travel between two locations with a discrete purpose at the origin and destination. Some intermediate stops with short dwell time may be captured within a single trip. Criteria for this dwell time may vary. Examples of trips: • Home > Work, • Work > Gym, • Shop > Eat, • Home > Starbucks drive-thru > Work |
person_id | String | 4339817784218880000 | A randomly assigned unique identifier for each person modeled within the synthetic population. |
household_id | String | 14408018579505000000 | A randomly assigned unique identifier for each household modeled within the synthetic population. |
mode | String | COMMERCIAL | The primary transportation mode used for the trip. A trip is often made up of multiple travel modes, such as a journey to work that includes a walk to a rail station followed by a subway ride. In this case two modes were used by the traveler during their trip, walking and public transit. Only the primary mode of travel across a set of trip segments is included. The primary mode is determined using the following ranking: 1) Public transit, 2) Driving (private auto)/Auto passenger/Taxi/TNC, 3) Biking, 4) Walking. This table is limited to the following: • COMMERCIAL: Trips made by medium and heavy trucks |
travel_purpose | String | COMMERCIAL | All values in this table are: • COMMERCIAL: Trips by medium and heavy trucks for deliveries and other commercial purposes |
tour_type | String | OTHER_HOME_BASED | Indicates what type of tour included this trip. Tours are travel events that start at one location and return to that same location. All values in this table are: • OTHER_HOME_BASED: Tours that started and ended at home, excluding commutes e.g. Home > Shop > Eat > Home |
previous_activity_type | String | COMMERCIAL | The activity assigned to a synthetic person prior to starting travel. All values in this table are: • COMMERCIAL: Trips by medium and heavy trucks for deliveries and other commercial purposes |
timezone | String | America/Los_Angeles | Timezone of the trip’s start location, using standard tz naming conventions. |
start_time | Time | 2019-01-10 06:08:00 America/Los_Angeles | Date and 24-hour time of trip start, reported as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss timezone. |
start_local_hour | Integer | 12 | Hour of day that the trip started, reported in the local time zone in 24-hour time format. Values in this field range between 0 and 23. |
end_time | Time | 2019-01-10 07:11:04 America/Los_Angeles | Date and 24-hour time of trip end, reported as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss timezone. |
end_local_hour | Integer | 14 | Hour of day that the trip ended, reported in the local time zone in 24-hour time format. Values in this field range between 0 and 23. |
duration_minutes | Integer | 63 | Duration of trip in minutes, calculated as the difference between the trip start_time and end_time. |
distance_miles | Float | 10.79997335 | Distance in miles measured along the trip route. |
transit_route_ids | String | NULL for this table | |
network_link_ids | String | 10541610554341416382 | Unique ID assigned to the link (road segment) that the trip is associated with. |
vehicle_type | String (Len 20) | MEDIUM_COMMERCIAL | The vehicle type assigned to the vehicle of the synthetic trip. Valid values are: • MEDIUM_COMMERCIAL: Medium-duty commercial vehicles (14,000 - 26,000 lbs) • HEAVY _ COMMERCIAL: Heavy-duty commercial vehicles (>26,00 lbs) Note: If values are NULL, this means that this data is not available for the region yet but we hope to have it soon. |
vehicle_fuel_technology | String | ICE | The fuel technology assigned to the vehicle of the synthetic trip. Valid values are: • ICE • BEV • FCV • PHEV • UNKNOWN_FUEL_TECHNOLOGY Note: If values are NULL, this means that this data is not available for the region yet but we hope to have it soon. |
origin_bgrp | String(Len 12) | 410510010004 | The US Census Bureau-assigned FIPS code of the block group from which the trip originated. |
origin_bgrp_lat | Float | 45.492294 | Latitude of the geometric centroid for the origin block group, reported in decimal degrees, WGS 84. |
origin_bgrp_lng | Float | -122.65334 | Longitude of the geometric centroid for the origin block group, reported in decimal degrees, WGS 84. |
destination_bgrp | String (Len 12) | 410510079001 | US Census Bureau-assigned FIPS of the block group in which the trip ended. |
destination_bgrp_lat | Float | 45.557407 | Latitude of the geometric centroid for the destination block group, reported in decimal degrees, WGS 84. |
destination_bgrp_lng | Float | -122.54931 | Longitude of the geometric centroid for the destination block group, reported in decimal degrees, WGS 84. |
origin_land_use_l1 | String | residential | The primary land use category of the trip origin. Valid values are: • residential • commercial • mixed_use • industrial • civic_institutional • transportation_utilities • open space • agriculture • other • unknown |
origin_land_use_l2 | String | single_family | The secondary land use category of the trip origin. Valid values are: • single_family • multi_family • office • retail • non_retail_attraction • education • healthcare • military • civic_institutional • transportation_utilities • open_space • agriculture • other • unknown |
destination_land_use_l1 | String | commercial | The primary land use category of the trip destination. Valid values are: • residential • commercial • mixed_use • industrial • civic_institutional • transportation_utilities • open space • agriculture • other • unknown |
destination_land_use_l2 | String | non_retail_attraction | The secondary land use category of the trip destination. Valid values are: • single_family • multi_family • office • retail • non_retail_attraction • education • healthcare • military • civic_institutional • transportation_utilities • open_space • agriculture • other • unknown |
origin_building_use_l1 | String | residential | The primary building use category of the trip origin. Valid values are: • residential • commercial • industrial • civic_institutional • transportation_utilities • open space • agriculture • other • unknown |
origin_building_use_l2 | String | single_family | The secondary building use category of the trip origin. Valid values are: • single_family • multi_family • office • retail • non_retail_attraction • education • healthcare • military • civic_institutional • transportation_utilities • open_space • agriculture • other • unknown |
destination_building_use_l1 | String | commercial | The primary building use category of the trip destination. Valid values are: • residential • commercial • industrial • civic_institutional • transportation_utilities • open space • agriculture • other • unknown |
destination_building_use_l2 | String | non_retail_attraction | The secondary building use category of the trip destination. Valid values are: • single_family • multi_family • office • retail • non_retail_attraction • education • healthcare • military • civic_institutional • transportation_utilities • open_space • agriculture • other • unknown |
trip_type | String | II | Indicates whether or not the trip started or ended inside or outside of the core model region. Valid values are: • II: core > core region • IE: core > donut region • EI: donut region > core region • EE: donut region > donut region |
Updated about 1 year ago