Hourly Auto Volume Profile
The hourly auto volume profile table contains information about the average auto volume per network link, provided in hourly buckets for a typical week. For motorways and trunks, we also provide hourly volumes for single-unit and combination trucks. This data is available for 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 and is updated annually. Data is available for download in CSV, Shapefile, and Geojson format.
See what coverage we have in specific areas here.
Sample Download
Click here to download a sample of the hourly auto volume profile.
Field Name | Content Type | Sample Value | Description |
id | String | 972382137_0+ | A unique identifier for the network link. The trailing +/- indicates directionality. + indicates the same direction of the OSM way. |
stable_edge_id | String | 13879083565943480423 | The matching stable edge id (mapping to Replica's road network) for this segment. This id will match the Places season for Fall of the selected year. |
comp_stable_edge_id | String | 11547986894199161929 | If bidirectional is True for this segment, this field provides the matching stable edge id (mapping to Replica's road network) for the opposing direction of travel. This id will match the Places season for Fall of the selected year. |
osm_id | String | 23730229 | OSM Way ID (version 2020-07-01 for the 2019 data; version 2021-09-01 for the 2021 data; version 2022-12-01 for the 2022 data) |
bidirectional | Boolean | TRUE | True if the provided traffic volume is the sum for both directions of an undivided roadway. False if for only one direction. |
street_name | String | Isabel Avenue | The common name of the network link if available. Matches the name assigned by OpenStreetMap. |
highway | String | trunk | The classification of the link based on OpenStreetMap data. |
length | Float | 229.22 | The distance (length) of the network link in meters. |
heading | Integer | 176 | The heading of the network link. |
compass_direction | String | NE | The compass direction of the network link. |
aadt | Integer | 4554 | AADT on the network link. If the metric selected is Single Unit or Combination Truck Volume, this column will reflect the corresponding AADT for Single Unit or Combination Truck and be titled aadt_single_unit or aadt_combination. |
geometry | Geography | LINESTRING(-97.398509 27.662232, -97.398556 27.662034, -97.398517 27.661988) | The geometry (linestring) for each network link. |
wkdy_0....wkdy_23 | Float | 321.2 | One column per hour. The value in each column represents the volume on the network link in the hour bucket. Buckets are expressed as 0-23 and are counted from midnight. If an "Average Weekday" or "Average Weekend Day" is selected for download, the columns will be named wkdy_0...wkdy_23 and wknd_0...wknd_23 respectively. The average weekday values are averaged over Monday to Friday; the average weekend values are averaged over Saturday and Sunday. If "All" days of the week are selected for download, the columns will be labelled mon_0...mon_23, tue_0...tue_23, etc. |
Quality Metrics and Methodology
Read about the Quality Metrics and Methodology on the page for Replica's Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT). Both datasets are produced using the same underlying methodology.
Updated 20 days ago